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In-Home & In-Community

Virtual and in-person community programming

Pacekids is proud to offer in-home and in-community programs funded by the Government of Alberta’s Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) program and community partners.

To learn more about FSCD funding and the FSCD Programs Pacekids’ offers, please
contact our FSCD Intake team at 403-234-7876 or [email protected]

Why Choose Pacekids?

Family-Centre Practice

We focus on supporting both the development of the child, as well as the functioning and development of the family unit.


Children learn best through play and our strategies focus on ways to support development while building functional living skills.

Stress Free FSCD Programing

Working collaboratively with FSCD, we take care of all the details. From hiring and supervising the team, paying staff, billing FSCD and managing the paperwork related to a family’s programming, we will take care of those details so families can focus on helping their child reach their developmental goals.

Support Beyond FSCD

At Pacekids, we recognize the distinctive challenges families encounter while caring for a child with diverse needs, and we focus on supporting both the development of the child, as well as the functioning and development of the family unit. Our focus extends to families who may encounter challenges accessing existing programs because of cultural, language, work-related, or financial constraints.

Pacekids is a qualified provider of the Behavioural & Developmental Supports (BDS) Program funded through Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD). Pacekids BDS programming supports families with children from six months to approximately 10 years of age.

Pacekids takes a family-centred, play-based approach to our services by supporting both the development of the child, as well as the functioning and development of the family unit. Contracts can involve up-to-two Therapists who work with parents/guardians to review concerns, suggest strategies and work directly with the child where possible. Goal areas can be targeted to help address concerns both in the home and community environments (i.e. grocery stores, libraries, places of workshop, etc.).

Specialized Services for children from six months of age to 10 years old, based on clinical discretion. 

Specialized Services is a program that is designed to work directly with children with disabilities and their families. By utilizing therapists from up-to-four disciplines (as determined by the FSCD MDT process), the trans-disciplinary approach allows the team to work collaboratively to meet the various needs of a child and their family. Goals are often related to the areas of behaviour management, social interactions, communication, cognition, gross and fine motor development, mobility and functional daily living skills.

is standardized program facilitated by trained Triple P practitioners.  The program is provided to parents in 1:1 or group sessions focusing on strategies to develop positive parent child relationships, encourage appropriate behavior, how to teach your child new skills and implement planned activities and routines with your child.

With the support of the Practitioner, parents set their own goals and decide which parenting strategies to implement based upon their values and needs of the child and family.

Pacekids is Moving!

Pacekids is thrilled to share we will be moving our North School
to a new location for Fall 2025!