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Burns Memorial Fund Helps Children Thrive Through Technology

Thanks to our generous friends at the Burns Memorial Fund, Pacekids has been able to purchase a Smart Board for our north school. A Smart Board is an interactive whiteboard that combines the capabilities of a projector and a white board. The addition of the Smart Board has enhanced Pacekids’ ability to provide critical education and early intervention to supplement children’s developmental skills including communication, speech language, and fine motor.

The Smart board is currently being utilized within Pacekids’ Early Childhood Services (ECS) programming and is shared among the school’s seven classrooms in the morning and afternoon programs.

Pacekids’ ECS programs support a variety of children with special needs such as Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Global Developmental Delay, Down Syndrome, Brain Injury, Speech & Language delay, and more.

This technology allows more children to enhance their learning, develop new skills and work towards their goals in a fun and interactive way!

The Smart Board provides a new opportunity to engage children who learn in different ways. Visual learners can observe the whiteboard, while tactile learners can learn by touching the board. The touchscreen option allows teachers to run programs with the tap of a finger. This makes it not only easy to navigate for the teacher but for the children as well!

The Smart Board has become one of the many important technological pieces that Pacekids can use to help children achieve their goals.

Adaptive technology such as the Smart Board can be a motivating resource for the children Pacekids serves. It provides a unique and motivating resource to encourage a child’s participation and development through play-based applications. Not only does this tool help the children achieve their goals, but it also helps engage them as well!

This incredible piece of technology will help early intervention in the many years to come.

Thank you, Burns Memorial Fund, for your generous support!

Pacekids Programs is a charitable organization that strives to empower children with special needs and their families through excellence in therapy and education. Operating for over 25 years and funded through Program Unit Funding (PUF) from Alberta Education, & Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD), Pacekids serves children with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Global Developmental Delay, Down Syndrome, Speech & Language delays, and more through a variety of programs in the Calgary area. 

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