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Category: News

Virtual Race for Pace Presented by Grant Thornton

For over a decade, heroes across Calgary have laced up for Race for Pace and embraced their inner hero for children with special needs! This superhero event raises funds and awareness for the children at Pacekids; presenting an opportunity for community members to support a local charity while logging a few kilometers.  This year, we have all been doing our part and staying home, but we know that Race for Pace is a highlight for so many families in our community and an important fundraiser for Pacekids Programs.  This year, we once again look forward to hosting a virtual Race for Pace presented by Grant Thornton and being able

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Special Needs Child Playing on Playground, Down Syndrome

5 Accessible and Affordable Spring Break Activities for Children with Special Needs

Not sure what to do with your kiddos with special needs when they are out of school during Spring Break? Here is a list of 5 fun, accessible and affordable places to go and things to do. 1. Grab a coffee from Lil E Coffee and support individuals with disabilities. This local Calgary coffee shop employees’ individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Open now in Ampersand (formally Sun Life Plaza) in downtown Calgary, Lil E offers life and employment skills, with the goal of creating 10,000 careers! Lil E is creating opportunities for these individuals with meaningful and productive employment. Grab

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Searching for Speech

Nolan is a sweet Kindergarten-aged boy who is supported in Pacekids’ afternoon Speech and Language Enhancement program. Diagnosed with Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS), Nolan has struggled the past several years with family and friends not being to understand what he needs or is trying to say.   In September, Nolan had difficulty properly pronouncing his G sound. Since then, due to all his hard work and support from his Speech Language Pathologist and classroom staff, he is now correcting his G sound by himself during conversations! Nolan is also receiving Occupational Therapy support to further develop his coordination and fine motor skills. Nolan has

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Child using Smart Board

Burns Memorial Fund Helps Children Thrive Through Technology

Thanks to our generous friends at the Burns Memorial Fund, Pacekids has been able to purchase a Smart Board for our north school. A Smart Board is an interactive whiteboard that combines the capabilities of a projector and a white board. The addition of the Smart Board has enhanced Pacekids’ ability to provide critical education and early intervention to supplement children’s developmental skills including communication, speech language, and fine motor. The Smart board is currently being utilized within Pacekids’ Early Childhood Services (ECS) programming and is shared among the school’s seven classrooms in the morning and afternoon programs. Pacekids’ ECS programs support

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Little girl with special needs playing with toy

What is PUF?

Program Unit Funding, or ‘PUF’ is educationally focused funding available to children in Alberta between 2 years, 8 months, and 6 years of age. Parents do not have to apply for funding, school authorities will access this funding on family’s behalf. The goal is to provide early intervention services to students across the province, in the hopes of providing a successful transition into their early elementary years. To enroll a child in PUF programming, parents must present documentation indicating that their child has a medical diagnosis impacting their development, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Global Developmental Delay, or Cerebral Palsy.

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Colin’s Story

Our family’s story begins many years ago. I was a young mother and had my first child at 18 – Colin’s sister, Kaylea. She was a perfectly healthy baby girl, but as a mother, I knew something was wrong. I knew from day one that Kaylea was different – right from the first moment they placed her in my arms. Kaylea screamed and screamed and screamed. She did not cry – she screamed. She was so sensitive to touch and even being held. As Kaylea grew into a young girl, her sensitivities to the world and the people that loved her grew. I would

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Virtual Race for Pace Presented by Grant Thornton

For over a decade, heroes across Calgary have laced up for Race for Pace and embraced their inner hero for children with special needs! This superhero event raises funds and awareness for the children at Pacekids; presenting an opportunity for community members to support a local charity while logging a few kilometers.  This year, we have all been doing our part and staying home, but we know that Race for Pace is a highlight for so many families in our community and an important fundraiser for Pacekids Programs.  This year, we once again look forward to hosting a virtual Race for Pace presented by Grant Thornton and being able

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Special Needs Child Playing on Playground, Down Syndrome

5 Accessible and Affordable Spring Break Activities for Children with Special Needs

Not sure what to do with your kiddos with special needs when they are out of school during Spring Break? Here is a list of 5 fun, accessible and affordable places to go and things to do. 1. Grab a coffee from Lil E Coffee and support individuals with disabilities. This local Calgary coffee shop employees’ individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Open now in Ampersand (formally Sun Life Plaza) in downtown Calgary, Lil E offers life and employment skills, with the goal of creating 10,000 careers! Lil E is creating opportunities for these individuals with meaningful and productive employment. Grab

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Searching for Speech

Nolan is a sweet Kindergarten-aged boy who is supported in Pacekids’ afternoon Speech and Language Enhancement program. Diagnosed with Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS), Nolan has struggled the past several years with family and friends not being to understand what he needs or is trying to say.   In September, Nolan had difficulty properly pronouncing his G sound. Since then, due to all his hard work and support from his Speech Language Pathologist and classroom staff, he is now correcting his G sound by himself during conversations! Nolan is also receiving Occupational Therapy support to further develop his coordination and fine motor skills. Nolan has

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Child using Smart Board

Burns Memorial Fund Helps Children Thrive Through Technology

Thanks to our generous friends at the Burns Memorial Fund, Pacekids has been able to purchase a Smart Board for our north school. A Smart Board is an interactive whiteboard that combines the capabilities of a projector and a white board. The addition of the Smart Board has enhanced Pacekids’ ability to provide critical education and early intervention to supplement children’s developmental skills including communication, speech language, and fine motor. The Smart board is currently being utilized within Pacekids’ Early Childhood Services (ECS) programming and is shared among the school’s seven classrooms in the morning and afternoon programs. Pacekids’ ECS programs support

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Little girl with special needs playing with toy

What is PUF?

Program Unit Funding, or ‘PUF’ is educationally focused funding available to children in Alberta between 2 years, 8 months, and 6 years of age. Parents do not have to apply for funding, school authorities will access this funding on family’s behalf. The goal is to provide early intervention services to students across the province, in the hopes of providing a successful transition into their early elementary years. To enroll a child in PUF programming, parents must present documentation indicating that their child has a medical diagnosis impacting their development, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Global Developmental Delay, or Cerebral Palsy.

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Colin’s Story

Our family’s story begins many years ago. I was a young mother and had my first child at 18 – Colin’s sister, Kaylea. She was a perfectly healthy baby girl, but as a mother, I knew something was wrong. I knew from day one that Kaylea was different – right from the first moment they placed her in my arms. Kaylea screamed and screamed and screamed. She did not cry – she screamed. She was so sensitive to touch and even being held. As Kaylea grew into a young girl, her sensitivities to the world and the people that loved her grew. I would

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