During these unprecedented times when COVID-19 related physical distancing measures are impacting the supports FSCD families may require, Pacekids is pleased to provide additional “Therapist Only – Developmental Behaviour Aide (DBA)” contracts.
Delivery Details:
Sessions will be facilitated through video conferencing exclusively (no in person sessions will be conducted even once physical distancing measures are lifted). Families must be able to receive programming via video session. Note: Pacekids uses Zoom Pro with advanced security features to ensure the privacy and security of all sessions.
Contracts will be 6 months long and will not be renewed unless physical distancing measures are still in place at the time of renewal. As per FSCD DBA’s contract details, a 6-months Therapist only contract allows for 26 therapy hours split between a maximum of two disciplines.
If families are looking for additional services beyond this 1-term contract (either in-person or video session), they are encouraged to add themselves to Pacekids or another Service Provider’s waitlist. If a family is already on Pacekids FSCD Programming Waitlist and chooses to move forward with this contract, they will not lose their spot and will remain on our waitlist.
Given the limited number of hours, supports will focus on 1 -2 critical goals depending on the specific needs of the family. Goals will be family driven, with the guidance of Therapists to ensure we can effectively and responsibly support the goals identified by the family.
Video Therapist Sessions will be held 1 – 2 times per month, and be approx. 1 hour long. Exact frequency and length of sessions will depend on the specifics of each family, and some goals will require Therapists to provide joint sessions. Therapists will be booking sessions Monday – Friday between 8:30am – 4pm. Therapists will be able to provide strategies, activities, email supports and other information to empower and support parents/caregivers in the development of their child based on the goal(s) identified and outlined in the Service Provide Program Plan (SPPP).
For more information or to request supports, please contact our Intake Coordinator at: Intake@pacekids.ca or Ph: 403-234-7876 ext. 181