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Golf for Pacekids is a Hole in One!

On Thursday, September 24, 2020 participants teed off at Cottonwood Golf & Country Club to participate in the first annual Golf for Pacekids presented by BD&P.

Thanks to the generous support of Cottonwood and BD&P, Pacekids was able to safely host 63 participants on a beautiful Fall morning to raise critical funding for Pacekids’ Early Childhood Services program.  Pacekids provides centre-based preschool and kindergarten programs for children aged 2.8 years to 6 years that can be accessed through PUF or mild/moderate funding. Pacekids offers an ECS Program & Speech-Language Enhancement (SLE) ECS program, which include a multi-disciplinary team of on-site therapists.

The tournament saw Pacekids supporters, families and community members come together to raise nearly $12,000 for Pacekids!

Board Members & Executive Director holding cheque for Golf for Pacekids

Pictured at the 1st annual Golf for Pacekids are board members, Kyle Edwards (Left) and Scott Matson (Right) and Executive Director, Alex Reed (Middle).

“We are truly grateful to have been provided with this opportunity to raise funds and awareness for Pacekids. In these unprecedented times, we find hope in knowing that we have tremendous community partners and supporters behind us and know that we will get through this, together.” says Alex Reed, Executive Director at Pacekids.

Proceeds from Golf for Pacekids will provide critical early intervention programming and therapies for Calgary children with special needs.

To learn more about the work of Pacekids and future events like Golf for Pacekids, subscribe to the Pacekids mailing list here.

Pacekids Programs is a charitable organization that strives to empower children with special needs and their families through excellence in therapy and education. Operating for over 25 years and funded through Program Unit Funding (PUF) from Alberta Education, & Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD), Pacekids serves children with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Global Developmental Delay, Down Syndrome, Speech & Language delays, and more through a variety of programs in the Calgary area. 

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