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Pacekids Opens a New Sensory Movement Gym

In September 2019, the ‘Sensory Movement Gym’ sponsored by Stantec opened its doors. With this added space, Pacekids is now able to offer invaluable therapeutic approach to the children we serve. The addition of this room allows more children to enhance their motor skills, develop additional strength, and work towards their goals in a fun and engaging way! Many of the children Pacekids serves greatly benefit from movement in the gym to support with their regulation and to aide with their participation within the classroom routine. Simply put, not only does this strengthen children physically, it helps with focus in the classroom as well!

In addition to the gym, Stantec employees created multi-sensory tactile tiles for the display wall in Pacekids’ North School. Pacekids Occupational Therapist, Kate Dunlop had the opportunity help Stantec employees to understand the importance of sensory walls, elements of an effective sensory wall, and the primary needs of the children we serve.

Thank you Stantec for your generous support!

children playing in sensory gym and with sensory boards

Pacekids Programs is a charitable organization that strives to empower children with special needs and their families through excellence in therapy and education. Operating for over 25 years and funded through Program Unit Funding (PUF) from Alberta Education, & Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD), Pacekids serves children with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Global Developmental Delay, Down Syndrome, Speech & Language delays, and more through a variety of programs in the Calgary area. 

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